FAR was invited to not only exhibit at the Rail Innovation Exhibition 2023, but they also asked us to present to the audience of attendees what we delivered for Network Rail and Innovate UK, what progress we have made since, and then outline what the future holds.
The event seemed to be 3–4 times bigger than the one we attended last year, with a larger and wider-ranging audience and an increased number of exhibitors covering all aspects of innovation in rail.
FAR’s CTO presented on stage and was on hand to talk to the steady stream of people who came to the FAR stand to understand more about us, about what we have achieved, and how it could effect what they are doing.
Si said: “The people I spoke to throughout the day were wide and varied, but all could see the benefit of the FAR technology, even if it wasn’t related to their industry sector, but how they would like to see it as a user and passenger of the UK Rail Network.”
Those who were extremely interested have already made introductions to other people they felt were more relevant in the Rail industry to advance our progress. This is extremely surprising but also very appreciated, as Si says
“Although we are experts in our technology and what it can deliver, however, those in any sector are experts in their own field, so we aim to suggest how we feel this technology can be beneficial, but it is usually their knowledge that creates other ways our technology can resolve issues and ease their pain points. This combination of knowledge and experience between the parties is extremely powerful and outlines an exciting future.”
If you would like to see the original delivery of the FAR technology for Network Rail, please see this short video https://youtu.be/6aXfAjIWyY4
Since we have been working on a brand-agnostic UX/UI, we have partnered with Calm Inductions to create a new product focused on ways the Rail industry can utilise a combination of both Calm's and FAR's technology to create a platform for all employees and contractors.
In our presentation, we also outlined how the technology could be utilised in engineering, maintenance, and non-customer-facing activities. This included Contractor and Staff management, asset management, and health and safety.
If you are a Rail-based organisation and would like to learn more about FAR’s technology, please do get in touch by completing our contact form here
For further information on how FAR can help you embrace AR, please visit www.f-ar.co or follow @FAR on socials
For further information on Calm Inductions, please visit their website www.calminductions.com
For further information on Network Rail, please visit their website https://www.networkrail.co.uk
For further information on Innovate UK (Rail), please visit their website https://iuk.ktn-uk.org/transport/rail/
For further information on the Rail Delivery Group, please visit their website https://www.raildeliverygroup.com/