We’re excited to be joining Tech to the Rescue in order to support NGO's across the globe with our AI-Driven Location-Based AR Technology
What a way to begin 2025?
As we step into the New Year, we are delighted to share with you that in the latter of 2024 we have been working with Tech to the Rescue (TttR) in order to establish and outline how the FAR Technology can support NGO's across the globe.
Being a partner of TttR allows any charity or NGO to access FAR's Ai/AR technology and the considerable expertise across our team.
Deborah McGargle, Co-Founder and CLO, FAR said: "We are delighted to be involved in this global initiative alongside some of the world's largest and most incredible tech companies.
We are looking forward to working with all the partners to find resolutions and solve issues that blight the world we live in today.
Compared to alot of the partners, FAR seems very small, but its testament to the FAR team and what they have created that we are included in these conversations and very porud to play our part, proving that size isn't the only focus we should have."
FAR will be sharing with you in the near future the projects we are engaged on and how they could help communities across the globe and society as a whole.
#techtotherescue #ngos #byfartech #AR #Ai #ELAR #FAR
If you would like to know more about Tech To The Rescue and the amazing work it does across the globe, then please Press Here
For further information on how FAR can help you embrace AI and AR, please visit www.f-ar.co or follow @FAR on social media.